International Cooperation
International Cooperation
Our company is open to international cooperation in the field of IT services and real estate business.
Knowledge of local law and conditions combined with low cost but excellent services are the main benefits for all our international partners.
Our ability to help you with IT solutions can accelerate speed of establishing your business in Slovakia.
- finding suitable premises for your business - including offers which are not available to general public by advertisements, complex real estate services
- assisting in making first contact with relevant partners - right contacts are crucial for the success of every company
- creating corporate websites (including translations and *.sk domain name registration and SEO)
- providing communication infrastructure - intranets, extranets, servers, vpn's, internet-related services, etc.
Sieťová infraštruktúra by mala byť navrhnutá tak, aby bola robustná, redundantná a zabezpečená. Aby sa zabezpečilo, že sieť bude fungovať správne a nebude ohrozená, je potrebné ju pravidelne aktualizovať a skúmať.